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Buckwheat is a hobby project and I do not plan to earn money on it, if you want to help, here are a few ways how to do it

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Support Ukraine

Support Ukraine

For over two years, a peaceful nation has been under threat of destruction by the Russian authorities. They are fighting to hold on, but it's not easy. Please help Ukraine defend their freedom

For over two years, a peaceful nation has been under threat of destruction by the Russian authorities. They are fighting to hold on, but it's not easy. Please help Ukraine defend their freedom

. This will help me understand how many people were inspired to help.

Tell your friends

Tell your friends

It is very important to me that my projects bring benefits. If you tell your friends about your experience using this application and how it helped you, I will be very grateful to you.

It is very important to me that my projects bring benefits. If you tell your friends about your experience using this application and how it helped you, I will be very grateful to you.

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I would be grateful if you could leave your feedback on the application. Reviews are very important and help us improve application.